VMLA Event: Saturday Feb 4th @700PM -- Warriors vs. Saskatchewan
- Wrestling Night (no idea what events they have in store but it'll be fun I'm sure!)
- Popcorn for kids
For this 2023 season, the Warriors have blocked a section of seats for us for each of their home games! We will be offering tickets for at the great price of $15 bucks all in. We'll also have popcorn vouchers for the kids as well as well as some other surprises throughout the year! Check out our web site 2 weeks in advance of each game to pick up your Warriors tickets!
Tickets are at the fantastic price of $15 ALL IN - no extra tax or service charges! And these are mid-arena seats with great views!
If you would like to come, send your name, email and number of tickets using the form below. We'll send you an eTransfer request and, once you've paid, we'll send you your tickets before the game! Easy! If you prefer old school cash, make a note below and we'll work it out via email.
Hope to see you there! Bring friends and family!!
Ticket sales close Feb 3rd at 5pm (no extensions this week I have to work on Saturday! so please get your orders in by Feb 3rd!)