Also check out Age specific information and practice times here: Box Schedule

Equipment Checklist:

  • CSA approved helmet with CSA approved face mask *
  • Mouthguard
  • Shoulder pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Slash guards
  • Rib guards
  • Jock or Jill Protector Cup
  • Lacrosse Stick
  • Running shoes
  • Knee pads (Optional)

*Helmets and Facemasks

There are three helmet options for a Lacrosse player to use:

  1. Field Lacrosse Helmet NOCSAE approved;
  2. CSA approved Hockey Helmet and CSA approved Hockey face mask Combo;
  3. CSA approved Hockey Helmet and CSA approved Lacrosse facemask Combo

There are currently five CSA approved facemasks for lacrosse:

  1. Under Armour Model UA V96 (in size Jr & Sr)
  2. Under Armour CLA Mask (in size Jr & Sr)
  3. Marty O’Neill MX-13 Senior & Youth
  4. OTNY Junior & Senior mask
  5. Gait G7 Senior & Junior

Want to try lacrosse?

Click the button to be added to our new/prospective player list -- we'll let you know when "Try Lacrosse" sessions will be scheduled!

Box Lacrosse Explained