
Vancouver Lacrosse Registration Information

 2024/25 Field Lacrosse registration is now OPEN!


Click here to go to the 2024/25 Field Lacrosse Registration page


Division (Birth Year) Early Bird* Regular
U7 (2018-2019) $100 $100
U9 (2016-2017) $100 $100
U11 (2014-2015) $290 $310
U13 (2012-2013) $320 $340
U15 (2010-2011) $340 $360
U18 (2007-2009) $360 $380
U22 Female (2004-2006) $300 $300


*Early Bird ends August 15th 2024 at midnight

Females wanting to play coed, register for your appropriate age group. Females wanting to play Female Lacrosse register for U13-U18 Female or U22 Female.

Please Read and Note: This year it is extremely likely that we will combine with a neighbouring city or cities to form teams - there are a number of reasons for this including typically lower enrollment numbers for field lax as well as a lack of available fields in Vancouver. So as you are considering registering for Field Lacrosse please note that it is likely that both games and practices will be held outside of Vancouver in a neighbouring city.

We know games will be held on Sundays, but we do not know when practices will be held and we likely will not know until at least mid to late August when associations have a better sense of registration numbers. We appreciate parents are juggling multiple sports and will endevour to get practice times posted as soon as we know.

If you are keen to play Field Lacrosse, we would very much appreciate if you register early (before August 15th) so we know where we stand for player numbers. We will try to accommodate registrations after August 15th, space permitting.   If you have questions, please reach out to

Please note, eTransfer is our preferred method of payment as there are minimal transaction fees - select "Pay Offline" to use eTransfer. eTransfers must be received within 30 days of registration. Additionally, we are offering credit card payment as well and transaction fees will automatically be added to your payment.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact

Sponsorship is also available through the following organizations (Register using the link above, select "offline payment / etransfer" and then write to vmlaregistrar@vancouverlacrosse for more information on completing the sponsorship forms):


Not sure about registering yet? Thinking about trying lacrosse?  No problem!! Click here to join our new/prospective player email list to learn more about new player events like "Try Lacrosse" days!




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