2020/2021 Field Lacrosse Information
Hello All,
First off, we hope that you and your families are doing well and staying safe and healthy.
This has certainly been a Summer to remember.
Secondly, we appreciate everyone’s patience as we try to sort through the start of Field Lacrosse season.
I will give you as much info as we have at this time:
We have been told that we will be able to play games starting October 10th. There will be BCLA Covid-protocols in place and these will be posted on our site and social – media outlets.
The game will be modified, non-contact and these rules will also be posted on our site.
We have purchased temperature – taking devices, sanitizers, etc and these will be available at the fields during practice and games.
We will continue to follow ALL guide-lines as set out by our Health Ministry and the BCLA.
2020-2021 Field Lacrosse registration – click here to register
Here is where we are at:
– we will continue field lacrosse merger with Richmond as this has been a very successful trial.
– we will have the same field times as last season (subject to change as we finalize numbers per age group with Richmond.)
Tuesday @ Richmond High School U11 and younger @6PM
U13 @ 7 PM
U15 and U18 @ 8PM
Thursday @ Minoru Field – U11 and younger @6PM
U13 @ 7 PM
U15 and U18 @ 8PM
Friday @ South Memorial Turf 4 – 5:30 U13 (confirmation to come from Coach Mark)
Reason for staggered times is that we are to follow protocols that call for 8-10 players per Coach and number of players allowed on a field at one time.
This may change based on the number of players that register over the next couple of weeks.
Home game times will be : Saturdays at Van Tech High School from 6 PM -9;30 PM
Sundays at Minoru from 4PM – 9 PM
There is to be a declaration of teams and a schedule to come out of that in the coming weeks.
Registration is to be an initial $50 per player to cover our BCLA Insurance and our Field costs from September to November.
Upon confirmation of having an actual season, we will revert to last years fees per age group and ask for the difference.
For ease of bookkeeping, we do not want to use 2020 Box registration rollovers to cover Field lacrosse costs. Hope that is ok with everyone.
There are some unknowns here as Associations get going on this and we appreciate again everyone’s patience as we get through this.
Please contact me with any questions and I hope I can answer them.
-Michael Hagel